Tuesday 30 July 2013

Impact of Man on Jurong Lake Park

Hi everyone! As you know, a park is a place where people usually go for a walk or exercise. Park should be clean and green as it is a place that belongs to the community. However, People start to cause impact on the park! We should stop them and teach them the proper way to treat the park.

First common thing that most people do is littering. There are so many rubbish bins in the park but people just throw their litters on the ground even the lake.


 The fishes in the lake may choke on the litter as they might think that it is a food. If more litter is thrown into the lake, more fishes will die and the lake will become very polluted and smelly. Those inconsiderate people should be punished for littering in the park. I think the Town Council should put more rubbish bins in case the people lazy to find a rubbish bin.

Poor Tree !! part of this tree was cut down.. This tree is actually a very big tree before it was cut down however now all the organisms living in the tree are dead.. birds spiders ants insects and many thousands of organism naked to our eyes!!!We should know the importance of trees and stop cutting them down!

See how extremely dirty the water is !The water once drinked by organisms may cause DEATH OR EVEN DISEASES .. we are again destroying the anvironment again...
If there are non-biodegradable materials in the environment destroy the habitats,pollute the environment and damage the eco-system which will cause a LOT OF DAMAGE !!. There are also trees have been  cut down. This will affect the environment as animals or plants that depend on or live in the tree may die. Trees help us remove the carbon dioxide in the air and produce the oxygen needed for breathing, so why CUT DOWN TREES ??


  • Plastic degradation at sea takes between 45-1000 years.

  • Usually though, plastic bags don't biodegrade. They photo-degrade. Which means they break up into smaller pieces of plastic until eventually becoming plastics dusts.

  • Plastic which ends up in the sea (through garbage dumps at seaside, river flow etc) winds up becoming food for marine life that mistake it for food especially of the jellyfish variety.

  • Plastics bags have been found in the stomachs of endangered animals including the leatherback turtles, harbour porpoises and black footed albatross. Ingestion (swallowing) of plastic bags can result in blockages, internal infections, starvation and death.

  • These occur in deserts as well (garbage dumpsites in deserts) where camels and other desert wildlife have been found dead with plastic ingestion.

  • If animals don't die from plastic ingestion, they pollute the food chain instead. After all, we are the ones eating fish and meat.

  • Moreover, it takes about 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million non-degradable plastic bags. And we use 4 trillion to 5 trillion plastic bags worldwide annually. That's using up oil sources without recycling them.

  • Recycling cost of plastic bags: it takes 250 bags to make 1 kilo of plastic - making recycling economically unviable. Furthermore, plastic is made of recycled materials, making them difficult to be further recycled. Burning plastic results in air pollution and toxic ash.




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